Onoe Eizaburo (尾上榮三郎)

Eizaburo ONOE is a hereditary family name for an actor of Kabuki, a Japanese traditional theatrical drama. The acting house name is Otowaya.

Eizaburo ONOE (I)
- Later, he became Kikugoro ONOE (III).

Eizaburo ONOE (II). - Later, he became Matsusuke ONOE (III).

Eizaburo ONOE (III). - Later, he became Kikugoro ONOE (IV).

Eizaburo ONOE (IV). - Three actors called themselves Eizaburo ONOE (IV).

He was the second son of Kikugoro ONOE (III). He was adopted by Kikugoro ONOE (IV), who was a husband of his elder sister.

Later, he became Kunitaro KAWARASAKI (II).

According to a record, another actor called himself Eizaburo ONOE (IV) around 1875.

Eizaburo ONOE (V)
- Later, he became Baiko ONOE (VI).

Eizaburo ONOE (VI)
- Later, he became Hikosaburo BANDO (VI).

Eizaburo ONOE (VII). - He was the eldest son of Baiko ONOE (VI).

Eizaburo ONOE (VIII). - He was the eldest son of Eizaburo ONOE (VII).

[Original Japanese]